It's been some time since I last posted. I started a new job last month and have been very busy. I've been so busy that I haven't been able to visit my favorite thrift stores!
A few weeks ago I made a quick visit to a Goodwill while grocery shopping. I was able to find a set of Disney mini-figures I've wanted for quite some time!
A few years ago The Disney Store released a set of dolls that, as far as I know, don't have an actual name. 'Round the net they're known as "Ariel and Her Sisters." Maybe that's the
actual name for the line? There was also a mini-figure set of the characters in the same style of the dolls. I waited too long to buy them and, before I knew it, they were off the shelves.
About a year ago, I found
one of the mini-figs (Arista) at the same Goodwill store I visited this month. Just. Arista. Can you imagine my surprise when I found all of the other sisters at the
same Goodwill? Well, all but Ariel. Still! It makes me wonder if they came from the same household.
The mermaids I found are far from perfect: someone or something has chewed their fins! Not that I mind. I have them arranged in such a way that I can't see the flaws.
Saucy Mermaids |
Other than that trip, I haven't been thrifting. I reached my threshold today and just had to go! It didn't matter which store - I needed to thrift!
I went to one of my favorite stores on one of my least favorite days to shop! The store offers a sale on Sundays and Mondays where nearly half of the store is 50% off. The toy area, like I expected, was quite barren.
I found the bottom bunk of Clawdeen Wolf's bunkbed. Just the bed. It was $0.45, so, yes, it came home with me.
I decided to browse the other aisles when I noticed a cute cat sitting among a bunch of flower pots. I don't normally buy things like animal shaped planters, but decided to take a look. As soon as my hand touched it I knew it felt exactly like the Gremlin I mentioned in my last post. It was made of the exact same type of porcelain. The paint job was excellent with only a small scuff on the non-display side. I noticed a rough area on one ear and, on closer inspection, noticed it was chipped. Although, when looking at the cat, I couldn't see the chip.
I stared at the cat wondering how old it really was. Vintage, for sure, but antique? I turned the cat over to see if there were any markings. It was stamped "C-1118" and had half of a sticker. "...ware. Japan."
Thrift Store Find 10/25/2015 |
I decided to take a chance on this lovely cat to see if it could help me identify my Gremlin. When I got home I found that Kitty is from a line called Napcoware.
The NAPCO company (aka North American Pottery Co.) is located in Bedford, OH and began producing porcelain and glassware in the late 30's. In the late 50's and into the 60's they began importing high quality ceramic pieces from Japan. Everything from ashtrays to figurines...and especially decorative planters and vases. In fact, one of the most popular collectibles are their "Lady Head Vases." Seriously. Google it. You'll be glad you did.
The cat is about 6.5" (the yard stick is a bit slanted in the pic, which is why it looks more like 7"). It's a bit dusty, but isn't it cute? I really love the colors and the sculpt.
My theory that the Gremlin is bone china? Still not sure.
Is my Gremlin from NAPCO? Maaaaaybe? I do have a strong feeling that it is a Japanese import from the late 50's - 60's.
It is true that NAPCO did produce bone china, but I don't know if my Gremlin or Kitty are actually bone china or just high quality ceramic.
What am I going to use Kitty for? No idea, but wouldn't she look cute with some orange and yellow mums? Hmm...